©Lea Boeglin
Chaque housse est unique, confectionnée à la main à partir de bleus de travail upcyclés dans les ateliers du studio. Une broderie rouge vient numéroter la face avant à la manière d'un matricule d'ouvrier.
EN_ The “BLEU_RBX” cushion celebrates the exceptional industrial heritage of Roubaix, the “city of a thousand chimneys”. Since the 19th century and the industrial revolution, overalls have become the essential clothing for workers and manual workers. It is a garment that is resistant to wear and multiple washes, practical, with a simple and functional cut, and inexpensive. The silhouette that it determines, the cotton canvas that constitutes it and of course, the color blue have in themselves become sociological indicators, they embody the entire working class.
Each cover is unique, made by hand from work overalls upcycled in the studio's workshops. Red embroidery numbers the front side in the style of a worker's number.
Housse de coussin / Cushion cover
Matériau / Material : bleu de travail revalorisé 100% coton / upcycled workwear 100% cotton
Dimensions (L x l cm) : 40 x 40
Poids / Weight (kg) : 0,5
Délai d’envoi / Shipping time : 1 semaine / week
Housse de coussin / Cushion cover
Matériau / Material : bleu de travail revalorisé 100% coton / upcycled workwear 100% cotton
Dimensions (L x l cm) : 40 x 40
Poids / Weight (kg) : 0,5
Délai d’envoi / Shipping time : 1 semaine / week